Make Estate Planning a Part of Your New Year’s Resolutions!
It’s unbelievable, but 2020 is over. Good riddance, right?! It is the time to think about New Year’s Resolutions. This year make estate planning a part of your new year’s resolutions.
Like most people, you’ve probably been putting off your estate planning. It can seem too confusing, too expensive, too unnecessary, or too inconvenient. The list goes on and on for why we put off this important task.
Lack of Proper Estate Planning Can Lead To Greater Costs and Unintended Consequences
Not having an estate plan is usually much more expensive than completing a few simple documents. Our office often handles matters for individuals that did not have an estate plan, or not the right one. It led to the expense and time of the probate process through the court system. It is not unusual that the probate process can cost double or even triple the amount of an estate plan. This does not take into account the inconvenience and additional time your loved ones will endure through probate court!
Creating An Estate Plan Can Be As Simple As Scheduling A One-Hour Meeting With Barry Law, Inc.!
Taking a hour of your time to meet with Barry Law, Inc. to inform you of your estate planning options could save you time and money, as well as give you a piece of mind (which is priceless!). We can discuss many estate planning tools such as: Living Trusts, Land Trusts, Health Care and Financial Powers of Attorney, and Living Wills.
Estate Planning Should Be An Important Part of Your New Year Resolution
Call Barry Law, Inc. today to schedule an appointment to start your estate plan. We can be reached at 773.779.6100 or fill out our contact form.